Our core values
Our school’s mission statement states that we “base the whole life of the school upon Christian principles”. Yet what are these Christian principles? Below are the fifteen Christian values that we base such principles on. Pupils will study these values as “themes of the week” and will discuss these in class worship; key stage worship; whole school worship and in lessons. Pupils will do more than study them, to be true to our school’s values and ethos, they will live these values.
Each week, with their form tutor, they will investigate what these values mean. At some point in the week the form tutor will ask pupils to “reflect” on these values and how they have seen these values in their experience of school life.
Thomlinson Outstanding Pupil Award
Every week Dr Thomlinson C of E Middle School awards a TOP award to a student in each form class. The award is given to a student who has best exemplified the value of the week.
Core Value | Explanation |
Reverence | Reverence is the proper human response to the mystery of life and death and to the created world in which we live. |
Wisdom | Wisdom is insight into the way life works: a proper understanding of the consequences of our thoughts, words and actions and an awareness of the true value of things. |
Thankfulness | Thankfulness is directed towards God who gives and sustains life. Seeing the world as God’s creation underpins the way we approach everything in life, seeing it as a gift and not as a right. |
Humility | Humility does not mean that we cannot be proud when we do something that is very good. However having humility always recognises that our gifts are from God and we have a lot to be thankful for. |
Endurance | Endurance is recognition that life is sometimes difficult and painful, and that it is important not to give up in the face of adversity. |
Service | The parable of the Good Samaritan shows we should serve those in need whoever they are. Such service is not offered to gain some advantage for ourselves. |
Compassion | Compassion has its roots in the idea of putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and experiencing what they experience. This leads to a desire to act, to do something to help. |
Trust | Trust is essential to human life and lies at the heart of all relationships. Trust involves vulnerability, putting yourself in others’ hands. |
Peace | Peace includes ideas of healing and health, wholeness and well-being. It means harmony, stability and security within a community. It refers to relationships based on truth and righteousness, where people grow because they are nurtured. |
Forgiveness | Forgiveness cannot be given or received unless it is asked for, and the asking must be genuine and from the heart. |
Friendship | Friends are not afraid to tell each other the truth and a friend’s advice is worth more than the empty compliments of someone who does not really care about you. |
Justice | Justice also means giving all people - particularly the poor and oppressed - what it is right and fair for them to have: life, health, freedom and dignity. |
Hope | When do people hope? People hope for peace in time of war; food in time of famine; justice in time of oppression. Where hope is lost there is despair and disintegration. Hope generates energy and sustains people through difficult times. |
Creation | Creation involves the recognition of our responsibilities on Earth. We are stewards. A steward manages an estate on the owner’s behalf. We have been given the earth to look after by God and to hold it in trust for future generations. |
Koinonia | Koinonia means “fellowship”. It is the idea that we are all members of the same family. A central element of being a family is interdependence: all are needed and valued and each person is important to the whole. In order to be a community that works together, we have to value everybody equally. |