Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope this email finds you well.
Reception Display
Well done and thank you to our Yr 7 Art team who have worked so hard on the current display in our reception. The display marks the Christian Holy Day of Pentecost. Thank you to Emma; Abby; Jemima; Daisy and Mrs Healy.
How to survive in the Arctic
Yr 8 will all be better prepared on how to survive in the Arctic due to a live zoom lesson our children tuned into today courtesy of Ocean Education.
Please continue to test twice – weekly
As lockdown eases, taking a rapid COVID-19 test twice a week, even if you do not have symptoms, will help us stay ahead of the spread of the virus, particularly as new strains appear. Around 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 have no symptoms and are spreading the virus without knowing. This includes those who have had their vaccine.
Please can Yr 7 & Yr 8 children continue to test twice-weekly during this half term..
TOP Award Winners for the week beginning June 7th, 2021
5H Emma & River
5T Madeleine
6O Lily
6M Freya & Elsa
7I Archie
7L Ruby
8N Lily
8S Eve
Well done to these award winners
I hope you have a restful weekend.