Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope this email finds you well.

Children and Young People’s Plan

During form time this week we have all been looking at the Children and Young People’s Plan for Northumberland.  In 2019, Northumberland County Council and its partners reached out to schools to get their support in creating a long-term plan for Children and Young People in the county. It has been two years since the plan was created and our County’s Youth Parliament were looking for feedback from children in Northumberland about the work they have been doing on the plan. The  Youth Cabinet and Youth Parliament created a short video telling us about their work and asking schools to  send in questions to ask NCC and its partners about the work they are doing for young people based on the plan

The main points of the plan are that Northumberland County Council will:

  • Make sure the voice of Young People will influence decisions that affects them

  • Make sure children & young people have the best start in life

  • Make sure services work together to tackle any form of disadvantage

  • Ensure children & young people have access to the best quality education to prepare them for adult life

  • Make sure children & young people feel safe & supported and are able to cope with life’s ups and downs

  • Promote & support children & young people to be healthy.

Our pupils responded really positively to these ideas and we made sure their voice was heard in this ongoing work.

Please continue to test twice – weekly

As lockdown eases, taking a rapid COVID-19 test twice a week, even if you do not have symptoms, will help us stay ahead of the spread of the virus, particularly as new strains appear. Around 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 have no symptoms and are spreading the virus without knowing. This includes those who have had their vaccine.

Please can Yr 7 & Yr 8 children continue to test twice-weekly over half-term and test before returning to school after the holiday.

TOP AWARD WINNERS Week beginning 24th May, 2021.  The core value was Service.

5T Harry

5H Daisy-Lou

6O Isabella

6M Emma

7I Rosemary

7L Alexander

8N Isaac

8S Noah

Well done to all of these award winners

I hope you have a good weekend.  It is our half term holiday next week.  We look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday, 7th June, 2021

Take care,

Liam Murtagh