How can we develop Hope in our school community?

This week begins with Holocaust Memorial Day on January 27th and ends with the Feast of Candlemas on 2nd February.  Both days are linked with the symbol of the light of the candle.

This year’s Holocaust Memorial Day marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau – a concentration camp in the 2nd World War – and, to show this, people are urged to create a Holocaust flame.

Candlemas is the day when all the candles used in a Church are blessed for a year.  It marks the day when Baby Jesus was presented at the temple and Simeon called Jesus a light to the world.

Sometimes things are hard for both ourselves and others and we need to show resilience yet, we can do this. The symbol of light is a powerful one, it shows darkness will be banished,; it shows us that there is hope.  We need to make sure the symbol of light is in our school and in our hearts. We must always work hard to do the right thing and to offer hope to all in our community.