How can we develop Justice in our school community?

The image for Christian Unity Week this year is that of a shipwrecked boat – it symbolises the ship in which St Paul was in that ran aground on the islands of Malta.  The island celebrates – on 10th February – the Feast of the Shipwreck of St Paul, a celebration that marks and gives thanks for the arrival of Christian faith on the islands which occurred through the shipwreck of St Paul.  

St Paul was much touched by the “unusual kindness” (in his words) he received from the  inhabitants of Malta during his unexpected stay on the islands. Many times we look to make sure that we are treated fairly and justly.  Often we find ourselves saying, “it’s not fair” in terms of how we are treated by others. Yet how often do we express surprise when we are treated with unexpected or “unusual” kindness” by others?

Justice is not about a culture which encourages everyone to insist on their own rights at the expense of others.   Let us try to think about how we can treat others with the kindness and consideration that we would wish to be treated.  Think how encouraging this would be to both ourselves and the people we meet.  What can we do and how can we behave so that visitors to our school can be struck by our “unusual kindness”?